Wednesday 10 July 2013


I am walking alone ,
everybody closing my doors,

i am trapping in a box,
and tapping the walls,

i can see the whole world through
inside the box,
searching the door,
feel anxious inside the box,
broken the maze,

there is not only lackpulling alot,
beside blaming me all,
you need patience alot,
do and do work more and more,

yes,i m broken first door,
but it's not single challenge alone,
lots of thing to do more,
i am watching my goal,
continuously people interrupting my way of goal,
but i am running fast and fast,
time is less and work alot,
go,go run fast........

Saturday 6 July 2013


Drizzling rain,
with coffee i make,
little moistness,cold breeze,still remain,
coffee beans with aroma of love still retain....

yes,this drizzling rain that sizzling my brain,
my hand used to right your name,
see the beautiful world of love through your name,
i can see you with your smiling face,
but again rain drops dribbling on your name,
slowly-slowly fade your name,
i see this all with plane face.....

yes,you hurt me alot sometimes,
but forgave and forgot,
your's warm breathe holds me,
whenever i feel lovelorn,

it doesn't matter you are with me or not,
you are here in my heart,
happiness and crackles full my heart....

sudden i step out,
whole world laugh out,
rain dance burst out,
i smile with myself,
because you are in me,with me,
feel a holding hand ever and forever.........