Wednesday 20 January 2016

EPIGENETICS:Thoughts can regulate genes....

In the era of 21st century everything is controlled & mechanized but how much control do we really have on our own life,emotions & most importantly on our health?This thing i realized when i fell ill for a short period and i really wanted to go gym,tennis classes and many others but my body didn't support me.That time i noticed whenever you talk to any doctor they said everything will be fine,nothing wrong with you just take little bit rest and proper medication for sometimes.On one hand they test Pap-smear,ultra-sound many other kind of serious tests and the other hand they says nothing wrong with you.Why do medical science pressurize on positive thinking?Now the emerging bio-medical researches answer these kind of puzzles in the form of epigenetics....

According to mythology our thought & belief process simply affects our health .As well as Positive Thinking, Optimism, Gratitude and Happiness govern our health . The Power of Positive Thinking is key of healthy lifestyle.According to many biologist change in your thoughts and beliefs can simply change your health.For understand this i have to recall whatever i have been read in my graduation(B.Tech,Biotech).Why did we read a lot about human genome?What is central dogma and role of central dogma in our psychology and psychiatry ?

Famous author Deepak Chopra's book "God: A Story of Revelation" is mentioned some points.According to him “ Every day brings new evidence that the mind-body connection reaches right down to the activities of our genes. How this activity changes in response to our life experiences is referred to as “epigenetics” ”.Genes affect so many things as eye color,height and other physical characteristics those are predetermined by inherited genes.Along with surroundings also affects a lot from criminality to belief in God.A long ago Eriksen discussed "CENTRAL DOGMA"in molecular biology which states biological information can regulate only in single direction from DNA to RNA to PROTEINS.Basically it explains lack of power to do anything or change anything about the health of your body because it's all compel by genetic code.But later on this theory is rejected by scientists and it is stated that everything can be controlled by our surroundings & eating habits according to Human Genome Project.

Eriksen states an experiment regarding it:
"Cairns took bacteria in which lactase couldn't produce by genes and placed in petri dishes where only food present was lactase.In some-days dishes were colonized by bacterias and bacterial DNA changed in response of environment.DNA Replication process has changed accordingly.Thus,some biological information flows in both ways PROTEIN to DNA and DNA to PROTEIN & counters 'CENTRAL DOGMA'.As our genes influence how we literally see the positive and negative aspects of our world more clearly, we may come to believe the world has more rewards or threats.” vice-versa our lookout for life can change the way of gene regulation also.

As mentioned in my recently completed book "Super Brain",Our neural networks are being amended with every thought & feelings.Till the date there is no explanation of how the potential actions & synapses of nerve cells produces an experiences.
The communication among neural networks and brain wiring is ever changing depends on feelings,emotions & thoughts.Thus brain mapping and genomes are aligned,work according to human experiences.

So be positive your today's thinking shapes your genetic future.