Wednesday 31 October 2018

An Artist....

A thought comes in my mind and lost,
what was that an artist asked,
again trying to recall,
tried and broke,

I close all the doors,
and try to think once more,
taking stress a lot,
forcefully tried all,
but mind don't ready to support,
and each and every thoughts are lost,

again and again i recall,
but vanished all like a fog,
words look like written on glass wall,
and covered with dew,
thinking more in pain,
erased over-again,

one more time,
i think a lot,
and a knock on the door,
bell of my house interrupted again,
and i shut the door,
more harshly,more tightly,
cut all the wires,
leave no more disturbance,
only silence,

i,i am an artist,
cut whole the world,
from me,to the me,
i wanna to be alone,
wanna to create more,
creativity is my life....