Friday 14 July 2023



Haunt me with open eyes,

Scream out aloud in nightmares,

Thundering profoundly in conscience,

Brain fog with heart-wrenching pain,

Yes,I know,

I am not perfect by any stretch,

I have made mistakes with many regrets,


It's not intentionally done,

And yes,damage is done irrepairable,

It's unacceptable and unforgivable,


That's easy to ignore of others,

Easily forgivable and forgettable,

But not mine....

"How could you make a mistake like this?"

An echo sounds,

Lesson is learnt,

 But made a past unforgiven..

Sunday 4 June 2023

Glass -shards

Inspiration-Muniba Mazari(Painter)
Lying in darkness ,
Inconsolable sorrow, 
Like a broken piece,

My feelings, 
That compassion, 
Purblind all, 
Leave me dejected and lovelorn, 

Like so many glasses shattered on,
Full-body and heart bleeds,
A sound of cracking,
And glass-shards on my skin, 

I removed slowly all, 
Looked into mirror deep,

A person in it,
 Give me her hand, 
And pat my back, 

 I look deeply into her eyes, 
The way she's in love with me,
 How can I forget her for him? 

She responds with a smile, 
And reminds me, I am your world,
Don't look for love of others,

 I stood in pain, 
And converted glass-shards into a masterpiece..