Sunday 4 June 2023

Glass -shards

Inspiration-Muniba Mazari(Painter)
Lying in darkness ,
Inconsolable sorrow, 
Like a broken piece,

My feelings, 
That compassion, 
Purblind all, 
Leave me dejected and lovelorn, 

Like so many glasses shattered on,
Full-body and heart bleeds,
A sound of cracking,
And glass-shards on my skin, 

I removed slowly all, 
Looked into mirror deep,

A person in it,
 Give me her hand, 
And pat my back, 

 I look deeply into her eyes, 
The way she's in love with me,
 How can I forget her for him? 

She responds with a smile, 
And reminds me, I am your world,
Don't look for love of others,

 I stood in pain, 
And converted glass-shards into a masterpiece..