Wednesday 27 July 2011


Love expands and it is make our life the divinity that sustained us.We will be filled with humility and deep gratitude from love.

No single person is in control of everything.There is no sense in blaming any one person when something goes wrong or to afraid of?All experiences have been LESSONS.We could not have changed,there little else to do than express unconditional love and everything.
When we realise that we are not the one who does everything,we will see our ego getting nullified.

God is to be loved.
Everything is temporary.Everything has a definite lifespan.Once we accept this truth,there is no room for egocentric expression.All we can do is to forgive everything.Bless everything.
When we shift our consciousness to universe,the impact of whatever did by another one and wear and tear of events around us will be very littel.Nothing will overwhelm us deeply.
Nothing happens by accident.Everything has a reason.We often cannot understand the reason from level of consciousness.Our cosmic perfection is infinite and it interpreted as cosmic deficiency.

All of us exist in various planes of consciousness.We carry the conditionings of our immediate past as well as other lives without having clarity about it.We cannot usually figure out which conditioning.Hence,it is important to touch base with our own consciousness.

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