Monday 26 February 2024



Who are those people,

Those decieds the character,

What is moral or ,

What is immoral, 

Who does decides it,

What's the definition of it?

Can we control our emotions?

At what level,

At what value,

Who does decide these boundaries?

Whosever are they,

Could they be able  to maintain these boundaries?

If anyone ever crossed it,

What does make your character?

Ha ha..this hilarious character, 

Which does stop every rebel,

Which stop from living the life ?



Bounded in the boundaries,

Suffocating character!!

Ha ha..hilarious..

This character ,

But whatever happens loose everything, 

Don't loose this good character. 


-Character is formed, not by laws, commands, and decrees, but by quiet influence, unconscious suggestion and personal guidance.

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