Thursday 28 March 2024


Who is freind ,

And who is a foe?

Or is everyone around me a foe?

I can't tell,

Is the approaching me through the mist,

A devil or Angel?

Have he/she come to save me,

Or destroy me?

The Truth is so fragile ,

That even the faintest mist can hide it.

Wednesday 27 March 2024


 When everyone is busy in spending time in watching IPL,i were reading about Pannadhay.An old nanny from 15th century of rajasthan royal family.A brave & courageous rajput lady who sacrificed her own son on behalf of Prince/King Uday Sing son of Rana Sanga to save his life from his own uncle.Yes,loyalty.The state or quality of being loyal,faithfulness to commitments or obligations.It adherence to relationships,institutes,sovereign, government,leader ,cause etc.You cannot think beyond it in any manner.These moral values stops you from deviating from right path in an emotional moment where your emotions overpowered.  Definitely these moral values sound suffocating but stopped you from taking any wrong step.In long term it benefits in building good character on which you proud of.Yes,this loyalty in which you can't cross boundaries on any value imaginary or reality.At this point anybody can be tested as a freind,spouse,employee and nationalist.So grip on it.  Don't loose it for building a good relationship,institution or nation.Along with it believe in the process of contentment. 

Monday 25 March 2024

Happy Holi!!

 Holi is a popular and significant Hindu festival celebrated as the Festival of Colours, Love, and Spring.Additionally, the day signifies the triumph of good over evil,as it commemorates the victory of Vishnu as Narasimha over Hiranyakashipu. It's celebrated in welcoming of spring.

There is a also popular symbolic legend behind the festival. In his youth,Krishna despaired whether the fair-skinned Radha would like him because of his dark skin color.His mother Yasodha, tired of his desperation, asks him to approach Radha and ask her to colour his face in any colour she wanted. Ever since ,this playful colouring of Radha and Krishna's faces has been commemorated as Holi.So Holi diminishes all kind of discrimination as caste,color,gender and other inequalities. 

Problem arises when people start manipulating the way of celebrations.Issues are like :-

Issues related to  health ,environmental,behavioral and ethical impacts.
Health impacts are hazardous affect of using chemical based colors on skin or eyes.Environmental impacts are affect of degradation of water & soil quality of using colors.

Ethical impacts are down grade of ethical practices as consuming alcohol,drugs etc by youth or all ages.

A religious festival with good message should not be going in this direction.As soon as our youth will understand it we'll start preserving hindu culture as well as national ethics. 
Happy Holi to everyone!


 यह हार एक विराम है

जीवन महासंग्राम है
तिल-तिल मिटूँगा पर दया की भीख मैं लूँगा नहीं ।
वरदान माँगूँगा नहीं ।।

स्‍मृति सुखद प्रहरों के लिए
अपने खण्डहरों के लिए
यह जान लो मैं विश्‍व की सम्पत्ति चाहूँगा नहीं ।
वरदान माँगूँगा नहीं ।।

क्‍या हार में क्‍या जीत में
किंचित नहीं भयभीत मैं
संघर्ष पथ पर जो मिले यह भी सही वह भी सही ।
वरदान माँगूँगा नहीं ।।

लघुता न अब मेरी छुओ
तुम हो महान बने रहो
अपने हृदय की वेदना मैं व्‍यर्थ त्‍यागूँगा नहीं ।
वरदान माँगूँगा नहीं ।।

चाहे हृदय को ताप दो
चाहे मुझे अभिशाप दो
कुछ भी करो कर्त्तव्य पथ से किन्तु भागूँगा नहीं ।
वरदान माँगूँगा नहीं ।।

Writer -Shiv shankar"SUMAN"

Friday 22 March 2024

Just Improve.

 Improve yourself,

Just Improve yourself, 

Wherever you are,

In Whichever condition you are,

Who stop you from learning new things,

Who stop you reading new books,

Who stop creating new things,

Find time,

A single moment ,

Who stop you from taking care of your thought,

Who stop you from taking care of your body,

Do yoga,

Move your body,

Whichever suits you,

Whichever suits your conditions,

Everyday is a new begging, 

Start a new lesson, 

And start today,

Cause as you are limited addition,

This time too.

So dear me ,

Start investing in yourself!!

Thursday 21 March 2024

Life is simple,think like a kid!

 The River and the Lion

After the great rains, the lion was faced with crossing the river that had encircled him. Swimming was not in his nature, but it was either cross or die. The lion roared and charged the river, almost drowning before he retreated. Many more times he attacked the water, and each time he failed to cross. Exhausted, the lion lay down, and in his qui- etness he heard the river say, "Never fight what isn't here."

Cautiously, the lion looked up and asked, "What isn't here?"

"Your enemy isn't here," answered the river. "Just as you are a lion, I am merely a river."

Now the lion sat very still and studied the ways of the river. After a while, he walked to where a certain current brushed against the shore, and stepping in, floated to the other side.

Tuesday 19 March 2024


 Dear bad days,

      Thanks for coming,

      Thanks for crossing the path,

      Thanks for all the little sufferings,

      Thanks to the everyone whosever judging, 

       You showed me,

        How capable I am,

        How  brave I am,

        How strong morally I am,

        How mature I am,

        Faced everything fiercely, 

        Faced everything  calmly,

        Faced everything Silently,

        Faced everything peacefully,

       Cause silence has it's own language,

       Cause becoming compassionate after    knowing everything ,

       It needs courage and  big heart,

       Thanks for showing me real colors,

       Thanks for showing me human aren't from bookish world,

       Looking forward to meet you each and everyday,

      Keep showing me ,

      My powers!!

      Always focused on the getting the best     version of myself. 



Monday 18 March 2024


 A first ray of sun,

A first thought of day,

A first cup of tea,

In every mirror and thing,

You are there,

When time is tough,

Not a single stone turned against you,

You are there,

Innocent smile,

Naughty or fragile,

In each and every dish,

Not mere in sunset,

Every star & moon,

Late night pray,

Each and every sway, 

You are there,

You are there,


Wednesday 13 March 2024


To me,

Respect yourself, 

Respect your identity, 

Respect your beliefs,

Respect your values,

Respect your mistakes, 

Respect your lessons,

Respect yourself whenever back from the deviated path,

Respect your each & every effort, 

Respect your emotions,

Respect your appreciation, 

Pat your back on your own,

Cause you are the only one, 

So Respect your integrity & dignity,

Respect your pride

Who can respect you better than you,

Be with you,

And keep moving tiny or as much,

That's my life!!

Monday 11 March 2024

Work on purpose!!

 Life is gift of God and too short for living in resentments.Whenver I read about people who achieve lots of success or doing philanthropy without any support and in lack of resources, I totally forget about tiny struggle of our life.We aren't focused and working on purpose.Recently read about Lieutenant Inayat Vats who was commissioned into the Indian Army on Saturday, 20 years after her father, Major Navneet Vats, was killed in action in Jammu and Kashmir.Definitely she must have seen lots of struggle in life.Same as Pulwama martyr Major Vibhuti Shankar Dhoundiyal's wife Nikita Kaul joins Indian Army.She can sit still in resentment whole life and spent it without doing except remain devastated stage.Life is too precious and short so many disease eg.cardiac arrest etc,natural emergencies are keep coming who knows who will wake up tomorrow or not.So I promised myself to find a purpose and working on it.Many of the people I know seem to have a deep sense of purpose. Whether working for racial justice, teaching children to read, making inspiring art, or collecting donations of masks and face shields for hospitals during the pandemic, they’ve found ways to blend their passion, talents, and care for the world in a way that infuses their lives with meaning. Reflect on what matters most,Imagine your best possible,Gratitude for whatever is given by God with acceptance and smile.

Monday 4 March 2024


 "Personality" a curious word in which every human is interested. What kind of person and character is carried by someone is denoted personlity of individual.

  Appearance, voice tone,posture,dressing sense,interests as music,game,tech  exploration choice of videos and movies,food choices .Hidden exhibits are  handwriting, humor ,self -esteem,fight & flight machenism.

        Mainly it includes characteristics and behavior that a person's understanding and adjustment to situations in life.

    More over it includes intersets ,drives,values,self-concept,abilities and emotional patterns. 

  What do decides the criteria of personlity?It's individual assessment, reasoning,genetic aspects,IQ,Social and cultural context of spend life.

 Where as social learning is main decisive effects of situations in triggering and controlling aggression.As some are friendly, others aggressive; some are timid, others bold.

Some make careful decisions whereas others are broadly and in blur distinctions take decisions only to feel pleasurable.It's a pattern in which way they receive and respond to the information and situation.

So make careful distinctions between stimuli and trigger with preferring narrow ones for shape your personality and character. As someone said "Character is formed, not by laws, commands, and decrees, but by quiet influence, unconscious suggestion and personal guidance."

Saturday 2 March 2024

A writer !!

A writer, 

I am,

Who's holding alot,

Write whatever I expose,

Meet people observe and write,

Saw incidents analyze and write,

Look around and pen down,

Found others story and head down,

Fold my hand infront of the God,

Hold hand of happiness and hope,

Having immense strength and pride in me,

There is no room for gloom,

Written all doesn't mean,

All in my head or heart,

Yes ,I am writer,

Going through the path,

To not get destination, 

It's just touching & passing by 

each & every direction,

Yes,I am a writer, 

Getting each and everything easily,

Observing alot,

Empathize all, 

Don't worry about me ,

Not at all,

I don't take things on my heart

Even learning a lots,

I am happy person ,

In the realm of happiness,

Hardships are part of life,

And coming out with smile,

In this tremor is art of life,

Yes,I am a writer!!

Friday 1 March 2024



An enchanting voice,

Melted the heart,

The irreplaceable joy & pride, 

Holding in your hand,

Sometimes I'm broken and too tired, 

Your brighter face enlightened my day,

Can't give up,

Can't sigh,

For a moment ,

For a second,

But My arms are always opened ,

Whenever you need hug,

My eyes are stern,

When you need a lesson, 

My heart understands ,

When you need a freind,

My immense strength, 

And unconditional love,

 Gives you wings to fly,

Go kiss the world, 

And fly high,

Sky is the limit for you!!