Monday 4 March 2024


 "Personality" a curious word in which every human is interested. What kind of person and character is carried by someone is denoted personlity of individual.

  Appearance, voice tone,posture,dressing sense,interests as music,game,tech  exploration choice of videos and movies,food choices .Hidden exhibits are  handwriting, humor ,self -esteem,fight & flight machenism.

        Mainly it includes characteristics and behavior that a person's understanding and adjustment to situations in life.

    More over it includes intersets ,drives,values,self-concept,abilities and emotional patterns. 

  What do decides the criteria of personlity?It's individual assessment, reasoning,genetic aspects,IQ,Social and cultural context of spend life.

 Where as social learning is main decisive effects of situations in triggering and controlling aggression.As some are friendly, others aggressive; some are timid, others bold.

Some make careful decisions whereas others are broadly and in blur distinctions take decisions only to feel pleasurable.It's a pattern in which way they receive and respond to the information and situation.

So make careful distinctions between stimuli and trigger with preferring narrow ones for shape your personality and character. As someone said "Character is formed, not by laws, commands, and decrees, but by quiet influence, unconscious suggestion and personal guidance."

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