Wednesday 27 March 2024


 When everyone is busy in spending time in watching IPL,i were reading about Pannadhay.An old nanny from 15th century of rajasthan royal family.A brave & courageous rajput lady who sacrificed her own son on behalf of Prince/King Uday Sing son of Rana Sanga to save his life from his own uncle.Yes,loyalty.The state or quality of being loyal,faithfulness to commitments or obligations.It adherence to relationships,institutes,sovereign, government,leader ,cause etc.You cannot think beyond it in any manner.These moral values stops you from deviating from right path in an emotional moment where your emotions overpowered.  Definitely these moral values sound suffocating but stopped you from taking any wrong step.In long term it benefits in building good character on which you proud of.Yes,this loyalty in which you can't cross boundaries on any value imaginary or reality.At this point anybody can be tested as a freind,spouse,employee and nationalist.So grip on it.  Don't loose it for building a good relationship,institution or nation.Along with it believe in the process of contentment. 

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