Monday 11 March 2024

Work on purpose!!

 Life is gift of God and too short for living in resentments.Whenver I read about people who achieve lots of success or doing philanthropy without any support and in lack of resources, I totally forget about tiny struggle of our life.We aren't focused and working on purpose.Recently read about Lieutenant Inayat Vats who was commissioned into the Indian Army on Saturday, 20 years after her father, Major Navneet Vats, was killed in action in Jammu and Kashmir.Definitely she must have seen lots of struggle in life.Same as Pulwama martyr Major Vibhuti Shankar Dhoundiyal's wife Nikita Kaul joins Indian Army.She can sit still in resentment whole life and spent it without doing except remain devastated stage.Life is too precious and short so many disease eg.cardiac arrest etc,natural emergencies are keep coming who knows who will wake up tomorrow or not.So I promised myself to find a purpose and working on it.Many of the people I know seem to have a deep sense of purpose. Whether working for racial justice, teaching children to read, making inspiring art, or collecting donations of masks and face shields for hospitals during the pandemic, they’ve found ways to blend their passion, talents, and care for the world in a way that infuses their lives with meaning. Reflect on what matters most,Imagine your best possible,Gratitude for whatever is given by God with acceptance and smile.

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