Saturday 1 June 2024


Learning to let go of things can be valuable for personal growth and emotional well-being.
Instead of worrying about things beyond our control, we should focus on what we have the power to change.Mindfulness allows us to notice at the moment and consciously choose to soften, breathe, and let go.So we shouldn't try to control others and accept the situation as well as reality. Whatever isn't belongs to us we shouldn't wish.In life we don't get so many things as good education, parents, set of people,job, money,fame but how many times we start going to wrong direction or start thinking about stealing/robbery etc.Life is compromise between our feelings and reality. At every stage we need to quiet our feelings and accept the reality. Definitely, it's very painful but as soon we learn & follow it.Damage is less.
When I were going through my book 'Man's search for meaning ' is quoted "Ultimately man shouldn't ask what the meaning of life is,but rather must recognize that it is he who is asked".Really? This thought made me awake....

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