Saturday 8 June 2024



The stage was set,the lights were dimmed,and the anticipation was palpable as I took my first step on runway. It was a moment I hadn't dreamed of-the chance to strut my stuff on runway and showcase fashion in creatively.This is the unforgettable journey down the runaway as an Army wife.

The was chic mess area transformed into glamorous fashion heaven for the ladies club.The theme of event was 'Urban Elegance '.

After weeks of preparation, I was thrilled to participate in the show.From fitting to rehearsals,the preparation was intense but exhilarating. I  practiced walk relentlessly, striving for the perfect balance of poise and confidence.

At the final moment,as the pulsating beat of music filled the air,I stepped on the runaway, feeling a rush of adrenaline like never before.The spotlight illuminated my path as I glidded effortlessly,channeling the fierce energy of glamorous world.Each step felt like a dance,a graceful expression of self-assurance and style.

My outfit was Egypt princess inpired stunning ensemble that blended sleek velvet dress with textures.Every detail was meticulously curated to enhance my presence on the runaway. 

Backstage was whirlwind of activity,with ladies and their seniors bustling about in a frenzy of creativity.Amidst the chaos,there was a sense of camaraderie and excitement as we prepared weeks to showcase our hardwork and dedication. 

At last moment commander wife changed the positions and turned me into showstopper.We peformed wonderfully.

Walking on ramp was more than just a fashion-show ,it was a transformative experience that pushed me out of my comfort zone and challenged me to embarce my inner strength and confidence. 

As I took my final bow and the applause echoed through the venue.It was the triumph of confidence and hardwork from a 'Tom-boy' girl to glamorous diva.

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