Saturday 22 June 2024



Life is mix of spices like a cuisines,combination of boon and bane,the thing drive our needs and direction is our focus.You focus on glass half full or empty. 

So Ebb and flow, ebb and flow, ebb and flow again—honour the cycles and rhythms of nature. Honour what your inner landscape is revealing to you at the moment. Being present with your pain means sitting with it and acknowledging its existence. It means accepting your feelings as they are, without trying to change or suppress them. 

That said, you’re also being reminded that you’re in the midst of a transition at the moment. Not everybody in your orbit will cross that bridge with you. Don't toll your loved one with your personal problems, don't discuss your own story with anyone,peace with the fact that growth will require you to venture into the wilderness alone, and that’s okay.Accept the truth and let them move on!

Simply reminding you of a mantra -Embrace the grind, but make it fashion! Picture yourself as the artisan of your own life, meticulously crafting your masterpiece with dedication and flair. Your attention to detail and commitment to excellence haven't gone unnoticed, so keep polishing those skills—you’re about to shine brighter than ever before! Think of every task as a brushstroke on the grand canvas of your life, whether it's fine-tuning your target or mastering a new skill. If taking the given step enables you to move closer to the big goal, the answer is ‘what are you waiting for?’

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