Thursday 6 June 2024



Bhagavad Gita is the discourse between Lord Krishna and Arjun before the start of the Mahabharata or Kurukshetra War. It consists of the teaching by Lord Krishna in the form of Shlokas or verses that changed Arjuna’s perspective of life. Although Gita is centuries old, its knowledge and logic are relevant today as well, thus, making it a timeless guide. 

Bhagavad Gita shlokas can help us find the right path and make the right choices in difficult times. They guide us to find inner peace, purpose, and true success in life. 

Understanding the shlokas from Bhagavad Gita gives us deep insights into the whys and hows of daily life. By reading Bhagavad Gita regularly, you can experience some remarkable changes in your life and perspective. You will become calmer, happier, and more content.

I learnt two lessons one whosever did wrong with you just go on righteous path without deviation.We should be right in our own life.And when people give you bad experiences don't show them negativity, be non- reactive,don't complain about these people much to others.Geeta and Arthsastra isn't only ancient even part of management studies in many countries. Those make you more wiser & mature. 

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