Friday 24 May 2024


 **The Unexpected Tea Ceremony**

Life in Dimapur has its unique charm, especially as the wife of a dedicated Assam Rifles officer. One particular experience stands out, blending amusement with valuable life lessons.

One early morning, I decided to take a walk through the nearby village, hoping to immerse myself in the local culture. As I strolled past traditional bamboo houses, I noticed a small group of villagers gathered around a table. Curious, I approached them and was warmly invited to join their tea ceremony.

Excited but slightly nervous, I took a seat. The host, an elderly gentleman with a warm smile, began the ceremony by pouring tea from a beautifully decorated pot. As he handed me a cup, he began speaking in rapid-fire Nagamese, the local dialect. Not understanding a word, I smiled and nodded politely.

He then gestured for me to drink the tea. I took a sip and immediately felt my mouth on fire. The tea was infused with an incredibly spicy local herb! Trying to keep my composure, I gulped it down, my eyes watering. The villagers watched, their expressions a mix of curiosity and amusement.

Just as I thought the worst was over, the host refilled my cup, and everyone around the table followed suit. Determined to be polite, I drank cup after cup, each one hotter than the last. By the fourth cup, my tolerance had run out. I gently set my cup down and tried to convey my appreciation with a series of hand gestures and smiles.

The villagers burst into laughter, and the elderly host patted my back. In broken English, he said, "Madam, you brave. But next time, say no if too hot!"

Later that day, as I reflected on the morning's adventure, I gleaned two crucial life lessons:

1. **Embrace the Unexpected**: Living in a new place often brings unexpected challenges and experiences. Embracing these moments with an open mind and a willingness to adapt makes the journey more rewarding and memorable.

2. **Know Your Limits**: It’s important to be polite and respectful, but also to recognize and honor your own limits. There’s no shame in admitting when something is too much to handle. True hospitality is understanding and accommodating, not just enduring.

The spicy tea ceremony became a favorite tale to share with friends and family, a reminder of the joy and richness found in stepping out of one’s comfort zone and the importance of knowing when to say "no, thank you."

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