Sunday 5 May 2024


 Last night when I were roaming around my quater with my son.There wasn't street light availability on road.He was keep walking in a mid of road steadily and confidently but took my shadow in his vision.The time my shadow merged in shadows of tree or other quaters. He stopped and look behind.It was a beautiful and heart-warming experience that someone relying on me so fondly.

We all look this kind of shadow in our life.The day we trapped in darkness of life.We look behind to see our back.To see who is holding our T-shirt so that we may not stumble in path and got hurt.

People are lucky who has someone to hold them and accountable for their correction of  actions.Those patiencely listen you and believe in your come back.If you are only surrounded by these big dark trees in dark time and found nobody around just hold yourself tight and look for your own shadow. Definitely, there will be time when your shadow merges in shadow of darkness of surroundings but in time of loosing yourself always remember there are some people who's life relying on you .Accept your emotions and be guide of yourself. How hard life is keep throwing at you but yes,Slowly and steadily holding hand of your own shadow you surpass all these hurdles. Dear me,don't loose yourself. 

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