Monday 27 May 2024


 An ancient Chinese symbol 'Ying-Yang' visualize duality light and dark,positive and negative.It's more than two side of coin,represents balance in life.

 Continuously We all seek off  balance,peace and harmony in life. Balancing among the matter of life gives us satisfaction and gratitude. Direct our direction towards path ahead with clarity.

But we can't get everything in life.Something,  somewhere always left.We can't choose everything. We can't choose day or night, dawn-dusk ,sun-moon together. As well as we can't get good family life and career,our health and family's health,our time and others well-being,our desires and importance of everyone's fuure something need to be sacrificed.

The day you start working on your field gradually you will start moving ahead towards success,knowledge is the key which cannot be taken away from you through you can establish yourself anywhere anytime. 

As physics law 'Entropy' suggests every living and non-living matter looks for balance and shift molecules accordingly.At some level our brain & emotions start working with shifting contentment  towards discontenment.We start looking for those things we left behind to make balance of given situations and it's human tendency. 

So look insightfully in your actions and always pat your backs cause nobody knows better than you what have you faced and get everything done to achieve this balance,overcome discontenment and move ahead on path of more achievements rather discussing what didn't you get in life?

You may be easily entitled as a negative person if you discuss hardship of your life,May be judged easily ,People look at you in pity. As Chankya said"Even your own shadow in mirror shouldn't know the weaknesses of life it may be discourage you".

Keep balance,hold assets tight and move ahead on progressive path.Don't underestimate anything .Everything is having it's own importance at different time and places in life and stop feeling bad cause everyone isn't granted everything in life.

Sometimes champion isn't who just wins ,champion is who shows courage,passion and determination when face adversity .

"Wear your failure as a badge of honor "

                                           -Sunder Pichai

Believe in yourself !!

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