Wednesday 22 May 2024


 *A Humbling Experience in Dimapur*

Life in Dimapur in Assam Rifles has always been full of surprises. One sunny afternoon, I decided to explore the local market. With its vibrant colors and bustling atmosphere, the market was a delightful maze of stalls selling everything from fresh produce to handcrafted souvenirs.

As I wandered through the narrow lanes, I stumbled upon a small stall selling traditional Naga jewelry. Intrigued, I picked up a beautiful necklace adorned with intricate designs and asked the elderly vendor for the price. She quoted a price that seemed exorbitantly high. Remembering my freind’s advice on bargaining, I put on my best negotiation face and began to haggle.

After several rounds of back-and-forth, we finally settled on a price that I thought was a steal. Feeling quite pleased with myself, I walked away, only to hear the vendor and her neighboring stall owners burst into laughter. Curious, I turned back, and the elderly woman cheerfully called out, "Madam, you bargained so hard, but you still paid the tourist price!"

Embarrassed but amused, I couldn’t help but laugh along with them. As I returned home, I realized two important life lessons:

1. *Respect Local Wisdom*: The incident reminded me that locals always know best. They are aware of the going rates and often know when someone is new to the area. Instead of trying to outsmart them, it's sometimes better to seek their guidance and trust their knowledge.

2. *Embrace Humility*: Living in a new place comes with its share of learning curves. Embracing these moments with humility and a sense of humor makes the experience richer and more enjoyable. It's okay to make mistakes; they often lead to the best stories and lessons.

That day, not only did I walk away with a beautiful necklace, but also with a newfound appreciation for the wisdom and warmth of the local community.

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