Monday 27 May 2024

That only person..

 That only person,

Whom do you rely on,

In your happiness,

In deep sadness, 

In every silence,

In unexplained pain,

In every laughter,

In mid of juggler,

In every struggle, 

In happines of wiggle, 

In any solve of puzzle,

When and where you stuck in,

By whom you are tuck in,

In every presence,

In those absence, 

When sadly you see empty seat,

When you make them proud,

When made them anger loud,

When memories can't be vanished, 

Where judgment is finished, 

They always understand, 

At last ,

Whenever you asked,

Am I right?

They say "yes"

Am with you always. 🤗

They sigh,

And exhaled,


Lucky whosever have this kinda person in their life.Even it's a single person where you don't need to put any curtains and having full transparency, dependency and relying.Embrace it gracefully. 

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