Monday 13 May 2024


 Who is right,

Who is wrong,

Everyone have ,

It's definition differentiate alone,

Kalam is right,

Who makes others life,

Not dreamed alone,

Or Hitler who dreamed alone,

Jijabaai is right,

Or kaikai is right,

Who is right Shakuntala,

Who made a king of Bharat,

Rather blaming,

Or Cassandra who spoiled everything,

Gandhi or Godse,

Devdas who shattered everything in emotional immaturity, 

Or Tata who made lots of life in his unforgettable love,

People who took pain for others,

And remain on good values,

To give good future to all,

Or blaming others through, 

Negative perception,

At last,


Why every given importance,

Revert back in wrong manner,

Why people only judge into wrong manner,

Why can't they see sacrifices,

May be it's time to stop explaining,

May be it's time to live life for others,

For those who lost their aim,

For those who lost parents,

For those who lost everything,

For those who don't grant everything in life,

Live for them,

They will not judge you,

as selfish or in other manner,

And know the meaning of ....

And understanding,

Lord Krishna is there,

Live for him,

He won't judge you.

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